Our mission
The public’s one account for government.
Login.gov provides a simple, secure and private way for the public to access government websites. With one account and password, users can securely sign in to participating government websites and securely verify their identity.
When it comes to logging in to government websites, agencies trust Login.gov to help protect their users’ information and the public trusts Login.gov to streamline their sign in process. Using Login.gov eliminates the need to remember multiple passwords and usernames each time you access participating government websites.
Our vision
The public is able to simply, securely and privately log in to participating government websites and applications.
About Login.gov
Login.gov was launched in 2017 in response to the Federal Cybersecurity Requirements statutory mandate (6 USC § 1523 — Federal cybersecurity requirements, part (b)(1)(D)) that instructed agencies to “implement a single sign-on trusted identity platform for individuals accessing each public website of the agency that requires user authentication as developed by the Administrator of General Services ” and “implement identity management…including multi-factor authentication.”
Initially developed as a combined effort by technologists at the General Services Administration (18F) and the U.S. Digital Service, the team included engineers, designers, user experience experts, and product managers with experience in similar authentication systems in the government and in the private sector. Today, the Login.gov program is operated as a standalone division within the GSA’s Technology Transformation Services.
Login.gov has continued to develop to meet changing standards and agency needs. Important milestones include the launch of identity verification in Fall 2018, reaching one million proofed accounts in August 2022, and the launch of a NIST IAL2-compliant offering in September 2024.
The Login.gov team continues to improve the product through public-private partnerships with best-in-class identity management solutions; fine-tuning the user flow and design through continuous usability testing; incorporating the latest cybersecurity standards; and working with federal, state, and local partners to expand adoption.
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